Additional Photos

Unidentified Ellobiid sp. #2

Maximum size: 1.7 mm shell
The shell of this species is similar to that of unidentified ellobiid sp. #1.
However, the apex is markedly lower and the base less constricted.
Natural history:
Unidentified ellobiid sp. #2 is known from a single shell found in
beach drift.
Taxonomic notes:
This species is listed in Severns, 2011 as Ophicardelus sp. 2. However, it seems closer to shells labelled Microtralia
sp. on-line. So, we've decided to leave is as un. sp. #2 pending
further work. It seems likely that unidentified ellobiids #1, #2, and #3
are in the same genus.
Photo: CP:
1.7 mm: beach drift, Hana Bay, Maui; fall, 1989.
Observations and comments:
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