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Gastropteron minutum Ong & Gosliner, 2017

Maximum size: 3 mm.
This is a translucent-cream species intricately flecked with white and
brown. The head and parapodia are decorated with small tubercles and
the foot extends well behind the body.
Natural history:
Gastropteron minutum is a moderately common species found in rocky habitats at depths of
1-15 m (3-49 ft) (most common at shallower
It occurs at moderately exposed to exposed sites. It swims readily when
disturbed and shows a diurnal activity pattern when held in dishes.
Maui: widely distributed in the western and central Pacific.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first recorded in Hawaii from Hekili Point, Maui by CP on May 2, 1996.
Photo: CP: 2
mm: Honokowai Beach Park, Mauil; April 11, 2010.
Observations and comments:
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