Additional Photos

Melampus sp. #1

Maximum size: 8.5 mm.
shell of this species is cream with spiral brown bands. There are
faint axial ribs on the apical portion. It is similar in profile to Melampus
castaneus but has four sharp folds inside the outer lip and four
folds on the columella (the apical three small).
Natural history:
Melampus sp. #1 is
known from a single shell found in beach drift.
Taxonomic notes:
species is listed as Melampus aff. granifer in Severns, 2011. However, it seems closer to shells illustrated on-line as Melampus fasciatus (Deshayes, 1830) and Melampus flavus Gmelin 1791. So, we've decided to leave it as Melampus sp. pending further work.
Photo: CP:
8.5 mm: beach drift, Hekili Point, Maui; fall, 1979.
Observations and comments:
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