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Maui shell, 1.3 mm

Anisocycla hawaiiensis (Kay, 1979)

Maximum size: 1.3 mm.
is a very small, smooth species with an angled suture.
Natural history:
only found a few Anisocycla hawaiiensis shells in sand samples from Maui and Midway. According to Kay (1979)
shells are rare in sand samples from 3-60 m (10-197 ft).
Maui, Oahu and Midway (also Johnston Atoll?).
Taxonomic notes: This species is described as Koloonella hawaiiensis in Kay, 1979 and is listed as Eulimella hawaiiensis
in Severns, 2011. However, according to John van Aartsen, it should be
placed in the genus Anisocycla and moved to the Anisocyclidae. (pers.
com.) Some on-line sources place it in the Murchisonellidae.
Photo: CP:
1.3 mm: beach drift, sand sample provided by PF, Midway Atoll; June,
Observations and comments:
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