Additional Photos

Rhodope sp. #2

Maximum size: 0.6 mm.
This is a tiny, worm-like animal with spicules embedded in its skin. It's similar to Rhodope sp. #1 but lacks a medial orange band. (Note 1)
Natural history: Rhodope sp. #2 is a rarely seen species that lives insterstitially in sand.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first
in Hawaii from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu by the meiofauna team during MarineGeo
in May, 2017. There's some chance it might turn out to be a juvenile of Rhodope sp. #1.
Katharina Jörger: 0.6 mm: 2017 MarineGeo; found by meiofauna team; Kaneohe Bay, Oahu; May, 2017.
Observations and
Note 1: Katharina Jörger sent the following information: "might be a juvenile of Rhodope sp. 1 but lacks orange coloration and spicules are thinner and slightly differ in shape."